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InView directive

1. Introduction

Often times, one may be interested to know whether or not piece a of DOM is visible on the user's screen. We utilize Intersection Observer API just for that purpose and this directive is a very simple option-less wrapper around it.

2. Features

infInView directive allows you to determine if a piece of DOM is visible on user's screen.

3. Usage

Simply add infInView directive to whatever DOM node you care about. You can then handle notifications from (inView) EventEmitter.

selector: 'app-example',
template: `<div (infInView)="inView$.next($event)>{{ inView$ | async }}</div>`,
class ExampleComponent {
public inView$ = new Subject<boolean>();

You can also select the directive with a @ViewChild as you would any other and read isInView property which reflects current status.

selector: 'app-example',
template: `<div infInView>{{ inViewDirectiveRef.isInView }}</div>`,
class ExampleComponent {
public inViewDirectiveRef!: InViewDirective;

Additionally, you can also export the directive instance in a template directly.

selector: 'app-example',
template: `<div infInView #infInViewRef="infInView">{{ infInViewRef.isInView }}</div>`,
class ExampleComponent {}