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Form value type

1. Features

Currently, the types for a form value or raw form value are not publicly exposed. The helper types FormValue and RawFormValue enable you to retrieve a value or a raw value typings from an Angular form.

2. Usage

To leverage these type helpers, you must first create a helper function that returns an Angular FormGroup, FormControl, etc.

export function createExampleForm() {
return new FormGroup({
exampleControlOne: new FormControl('', { nonNullable: true }),
exampleControlTwo: new FormControl(''),

Now, pass the function's return type using the TypeScript ReturnType utility type to the form type helper as a generic argument and create new form value and raw form value types as needed for this specific form.

export type ExampleFormValue = FormValue<ReturnType<typeof createExampleForm>>;
export type ExampleRawFormValue = RawFormValue<ReturnType<typeof createExampleForm>>;