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Saving forms

Saving process is initiated by calling save method on a FormStore -

When save method on a FormStore is invoked three FormObject hooks will be executed one after another in the following order: beforeSave, save, afterSave.

This three hooks that can be utilized to add additional functionalities to a saving process. Of this three methods only save method is required for saving the form.


Implement this method to execute any action before the actual saving is done. beforeSave method gets a FormStore instance as an argument and it should return an observable of the same FormStore.

An example how this hook could be used is to save model relationships before the original model is saved. For example, if userForm.value.address is set to a new address that does not yet exist in the database, then it might be useful to save it before saving the User model. beforeSave hook could be used to achieve that.

beforeSave(userForm: UserFormStore): Observable<UserFormStore> {
return userForm.get('address').save().pipe(
map(() => userForm)


ngx-form-object handles saving and persisting of the form values. To persist model values implement save method.

public save(model: User): Observable<User> {
// Persist your model here


Similarly to beforeSave, afterSave hook can be used to execute any action after the actual saving returned a response.

This method gets a model and FormStore instance as an argument and it should return an observable of the model.

An example how this hook could be used is to save model relationships after the original model is saved.

afterSave(user: User, userForm: UserFormStore): Observable<User> {
return userForm.get('address').save().pipe(
map(() => user)