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Version: 9.0.0

Creating complex forms

ngx-form-object exposes two methods for modifying form creation. Both can be used for creating complex relationship structures.

create{propertyName}FormObject should be used to define a FormObject by which FormStore or ExtendedFormArray filled with FormStore instances will be created.

build{propertyName} should be used for building other form structures, for example ExtendedFormControl instead of ExtendedFormArray for HasMany relationship.

Creating complex relationship structures#

Use create{propertyName}FormObject for creating nested forms. For example, two related models could be defined as follows:

Example 1: Create complex form structure for BelongsTo relationship#

import { BelongsTo } from 'ngx-form-object';
class User {
address: Address;
import { Attribute } from 'ngx-form-object';
class Address {
street: string;

By default, userForm.get('address') will be created as ExtendedFormControl with Address model set as a value.

In order to have a nested form and to be able to edit street property, userForm.get('address') should be a FormGroup (or FormStore) containing ExtendedFromControl for street form field.

To achive that, a corresponding create method has to be implemented in UserFormObject. This method must have a name formatted like create{propertyName}FormObject and return a FormObject instance. It receives a model and form object options as its arguments.

public createAddressFormObject(model: Address, options: FormObjectOptions): AddressFormObject {
return new AddressFormObject(model, options);

This results in userForm.get('address') being a FormStore created out of the AddressFormObject. The created form store contains street property as ExtendedFormControl.

Example 2: Create complex form structure for HasMany relationship#

A similar method can be defined for HasMany relationships. Example:

import { HasMany } from 'ngx-form-object';
class User {
cars: Array<Car>;
import { Attribute } from 'ngx-form-object';
class Car {
color: string;

Create method is then implemented in UserFormObject:

public createCarsFormObject(model: Car, options: FormObjectOptions): CarFormObject {
return new CarFormObject(model, options);

For each Car model, FormStore will be created with CarFormObjects returned by this method. This will result in userForm.get('cars') being an ExtendedFormArray populated with this FormStores.


create<FieldName>FormObject methods don't have to return specific FormObjects (e.g. CarFormObject). They can return the more generic FormObject if that is the level of control you need.

Creating custom relationship forms#

Use build{propertyName} for creating custom relationship forms. This metod should return an ExtendedFormControl, ExtendedFormArray or a FormStore instance. It receives property value as its argument.

For example, use buildCars to create cars form field:

public buildCars(cars: Array<Car>): ExtendedFormArray {
return new ExtendedFormArray( => {
return this.carService.createCarFormGroup();;

This will result in userForm.get('cars') being an ExtendedFormArray populated with forms created in the service.


Depending on a use case, car forms may be FormGroup, FormStore<Car> or even a simple FormControl. For creation of FormArray containing FormStore instances rather use create method override.

The build method is also useful for defining type of a form field. For example, create ExtendedFormControl instead of default ExtendedFromArray for HasMany relationships.

public buildCars(cars: Array<Car>): ExtendedFormControl {
return new ExtendedFormControl(cars);

This will result in userForm.get('cars') being an ExtendedFormControl with value set to array of Car models.